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About Me

Accessible, fun, approachable, enjoyable……this is what buying art should be..

So often the regular person is put off buying or even attempting to buy a piece of artwork….

The very nature of art and sculpture is dynamic, often colourful, exciting and exquisite …..I started BINK Fine Art to add a little relatability, fun and friendliness in my own small way.

How often I have heard ‘I know nothing about art, but I quite like….’ that’s all you need…the second half of that sentence…….as soon as you know what you like, then it’s my job to fulfil the first part….. to share with you the life and works of a particular artist and explore subject matter or period of time….

Based in the Cotswolds I have spent the majority of my life working in the artworld, handling works across the centuries particularly focusing on Impressionist works through to Modern British mixed with a little contemporary…

Welcome to my collection, some artworks don’t have time to hit the site as one of my favourite parts is finding the right artwork for the right client…so do give me a call or contact me as I might very well be able to help you…that’s where the fun begins.

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